Caption Contest #54 Winner - Let's Here It For 7-Eleven!

Sometimes it's the first thought that pops into your head that's the best one. That's what happened here as the sharp captioner known as 'airpigz lurker' was not only the first to respond, but y'all voted that caption the most popular too. So it's another bacon sandwich at OSH11 for the lurker... whoever you are (and would you like a Big Gulp to go with that? : )
Thanks to everyone who submitted this time around - there were so many good ones to choose from that it wasn't easy. There's more pressure on me than you might think when it comes time to pick the captions going into the poll. But just remember, we're all here for good ole avgeek fun, so if yours didn't make it, it's ok, just go with the flow.
I'll probably have another contest up Monday morning, but next week will be a challenge as I'll be driving down to Sun-n-Fun. Between the time on the road, and then a variety of enhanced aviation media tasks, it'll be a busy week! But I'll try to have another contest up if I can.
Hmm, I'll have to look for a 7-Eleven on the way down too...
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