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'Name The Plane' - ID MAKE And MODEL For Free Bacon! (5.20.11)

correct answer given by Matthew at 9:46pm EDT via email:
Sorrell Hiperbipe - see full pic below

 With the great big 'O' of Oshkosh just beginning to pop over the distant horizon, I figure it's time to slide in the first of a few more Name The Plane challenges so y'all can try to fetch up a bacon sandwhich prize at OSH11 in late July. This one could go either way... too easy or maybe too hard - I never know how it's gonna go. If you've got sharp aircraft ID skills, all you gotta do is be the first person to ID both MAKE and MODEL of this aircraft to wind up the winner!

 Your answers must go in the 'comments' area in this post, and as always, please don't use the shotgun approach to answers - only put up truly educated guesses that you've arrived at via really thinking it thru. Some of these NTP games last 15 minutes, and others go on for a day or two... I really hope this one isn't too easy! But either way, I hope you have fun with it : )


 Here's the full pic of the Sorrell Hiperbipe. The unusual full width fuselage and somewhat unusual stab and elevator make a really good challange if you aren't familiar with the airplane, but not too hard if you are. The first correct answer was received via email from Matthew, who appearantly had trouble getting the site to take his answer. Since he was the first to provide both MAKE and MODEL, he's the bacon winner.

 Thanx to everyone for giving it a go : )


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Reader Comments (8)

Dyke Delta!

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterXControlled

XControlled- nope

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

Delta Dyke

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLen Rulason

Len - A good guess, but nope (and someone was ahead of you on that thought anyway : )

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)


May 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjeff howell

Correct answer: Sorrell Hiperbipe, but here's the deal this time around (it's gotten very complicated!) - I had Matthew send me an email answer first that was correct (because he couldn't post directly to the site). Jeff gave me a partially correct answer on the site, but I really needed the MAKE, which technically would be Sorrell... So, I'm gonna declare Matthew as bacon sandwich winner at OSH11.

I'll post the full pic later (tonight or tomorrow) - and thanx everyone for playing along.

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

well to get technical it is a sorrell SNS-7 Hiperbipe

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjeff howell

Hey this is alot of fun keep'm coming

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjeff howell

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