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Oshkosh: This Is The Best Place On Earth

 (click pic for hi-res)   Camp Scholler at Oshkosh 2010 - do you see my car?!

 Do you see my little red Chevy HHR in the middle of this CoolPix? Click the pic to make it big, it's easier to find it! It's parked next to the larger road and is not far from a little blue 10x10 sun shade. That's where my campsite was at the very wet Oshkosh 2010. I got the pic while riding in one of the Bell 47 helicopters that are flying almost all the time over the grounds - what a great view! This was also later in the week when the grounds were finally getting somewhat dried out.

 Last year was my 33rd or 34th Oshkosh. I've lost the exact count, but the bottom line: I believe I'm fairly well qualified to give commentary on the quality of the experience at the annual EAA convention. I can say without any doubt in my mind, the week of Oshkosh each year is the best place on earth!

 It's not just because of the amazing mix of airplanes, the fab airshow or the excellent opportunities to learn how to build an airplane... it really has so much to do with the people. And this picture, which shows just a small portion of the camping area, is a great example. I don't know of any other place on the planet where 40,000+ people gather in such a peaceful, clean, family safe, and overall happy environment. It's as perfect as humanity gets this side of Heaven. I feel so blessed to have experienced it so many times in my 50 years, and I can't wait to get back there again in July!

 I hope to see you soon at the best place on earth : )

Oshkosh 2001 - July 25-31


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Reader Comments (1)

I see your car! And mine, too!

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLarry Overstreet

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