Oshkosh Pix #2: Monday 7.25.11 - Let The Fun Begin! (14 Pix)

Early Monday morning, Oshkosh 2011 officially began... the weather was great and the airplanes were definitely moving! One of the first things I caught were two Ford Tri-Motors working the airplane ride detail. It's pretty amazing to think that these airplanes are technically 80+ years old and yet they are still great flying machines for giving lots of people a view of the world's greatest aviation event from above.
A few minutes after watching the Ford Tri-Motors make some takeoffs and landings, I noticed something kinda big and smoky on final for runway 36. As it got a little closer I starting thinking Lockheed Electra (the turboprop airliner, not the Amelia kind of Electra) - after about 2 seconds of "hmm, really, an Electra on final at OSH?", I realized that this was the Navy P-3 version. Turns out a second one was just a few minutes behind.
These were the first arrivals of the 'Centennial of Naval Aviation' aircraft. I did two posts back in January and February that included several images of the retro paint celebration aircraft (here and here), and you can see both of these P-3's there. It wasn't much later when the MH-60 helicopter showed up and was towed into position as well. Just being able to watch these aircraft being towed into place for display was remarkably enjoyable.
The HondaJet on display and looking quite spiffy in the beautiful Oshkosh sunshine.
When I first saw this ultra cool adaptation of an Aerostar-into-a-twinjet I was walking behind it and it looked a lot like an Me 262 with those wing-slung engines! Then I came around front and saw its itty bitty 737 side! What a cool airplane for a variety of reasons. This is the first reveal of a project that's been in the works for several years the Aerostar Aircraft Corporation in Hayden Lake, Idaho. There's some real intent to make this available as a retrofit for Aerostar airframes, and even the eventual possibility of building entirely new aircraft in the configuration. I studied it for about 30 minutes and I gotta say it's very impressive.
The Aerostar jet concept has actually been around for a really long time. The illustration above is the vision that Aerostar designer Ted Smith had for the aircraft way back in the 1960's. It's pretty cool to see that vision become a reality so many years later!
The Aerostar airframe was designed from day one to be able to accommodate wing-mounted turbines, so this retrofit is relatively easy to accomplish. They're also looking at possibility adding a 32" fuselage plug to increase cabin size up to 8 seats. Watch for more info on this innovative aircraft soon.
Here's a Lockheed Electra of the Amelia Earhart variety... a really beautiful example of one at that. I'll have more pix later that show the whole airplane, but this pic was all about a very subtle self portrait (you gotta look close) in the mirror like polish of the nose : )
I didn't get any airshow pix on Monday, but before the airshow started, a huge formation of T-34's made a couple passes directly overhead. With all their smoke and that awesome blue sky, I thought it made for a really nice image.
I plan to hit the antique and classic aircraft on Tuesday, but I did make an evening pass thru to see what was on site and to get a few pix. This Stearman sure looked good in the late-day sun, and I kinda liked being pulled in close to see the details. Lots more antiques images, and overall OSH11 pix coming soon!
Reader Comments (3)
Looking forward to your postings, Martt.
Wish I were there.
I can't be there to pick up my bacon sandwich, but keep the pictures coming.