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Video: Hot Rod Airship - Including Aerobatics! 

 Ok, it's only an RC airship and the 'aerobatics' is just one Immelmann and some vertical climbing, but it's still pretty impressive stuff. The size alone of this RC airship is enough to make me take serious notice. And, as the Zeppelin NT is configured, this airship is clearly heavier-than-air. With a good power to weight ratio, having the airship use thrust to sustain flight and then using the 'heavy' aspect for both easy, rapid descent and better ground handling really seems to be a great idea.

 Just so ya know, AirPigz isn't moving toward all-airships-all-the-time, but I figure now is a great time to take my life-long love of airships and tap into some of the intriguing aspects of what's going on these days with these really unique flying machines. You can expect a few more weeks of interesting airship posts. Floaters unite! : )


Screenshot of the hot rod RC airship in this video


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Reader Comments (1)

Ah it reminds me of the days when I had my Fuzzy Dice hanging from my mirror in my 69' Chevy

September 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

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