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Caption Contest #61 - Ends Wednesday 8.24.11 At 9PM EDT  

 Now that we're well past Oshkosh 2011 and all that amazing aviation fun (and bacon that got cooked up) - it seems like a good time to get back to wacky avgeek captioning. So here's your first chance to win a bacon sandwich at Oshkosh 2012!  

 You've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EDT to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner. 

 The Rules: 

1) Max of 3 submissions per person

2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area 

3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EDT 

4) Keep it clean!

 Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EDT Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 8-27-11. It's sure gonna be fun to see which caption floats to the top!


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Reader Comments (15)

US Airways overreacts to bird strike risk flying out of LaGuardia Airport.

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkiwikr

Forget NEO
Airbus is now promoting NFO, the NEW-FLOATS-OPTION
this will cater for unexpected trips down the Hudson,
and allow for centre-city pairings offering unbeatable point to point connections.

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Global Warming.....we've got it covered!

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrcpylon

US Airways is proud to announce direct non-stop flights to the back woods of Alaska! We will leave no lake untouched!

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFolker Krentz

"in case of an emergency this entire airplane can be used as a flotation device"

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFolker Krentz

... Now offering round trip services to Manhattan Island.

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Brown

Airbus 320 Sully Edition.

August 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTenDegreesFlap

As launch customer, U.S. Airways proudly displays the result of the Boeing-Dornier collaboration. "We will rise with the tide of coastal city passenger demand," says spokesman.

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAirPigz Lurker

"...and in case of goose strikes over land, the floats may be jettisoned at any speed up to VNE!"

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave Haas

Up next, Skis!

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTenDegreesFlap

USAirways gives in to Pilot's union demands requiring changes after the Hudson River accident.

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTomTurley2

U.S. Airways managed to coax Captain Sully back out of retirement with a hefty raise, but he did have one non-negotiable demand.....

August 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerence R

After winning the Alaska meg-millions lottery, Bush Pilot Hank "Deadstick" Mcgiver bought the plane of his dreams from the Victorville airline boneyard. As he was taking-off he was heard to shout "Them Copper River Salmon don't stand a chance!, Yeehaw!""

August 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerence R

U.S. Airways secures the CIA contract to ferry workers to "Area 52" purportedly located on a secret atoll somewhere off the coast of Hawaii.

August 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerence R

Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed.

The poll for voting should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 8.25.11) - thanx!

August 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

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