Super Sweet Lockheed C-5 Galaxy Video Triple Play!

You might be surprised that I usually don't know what I'm gonna post here on AirPigz until I sit down to make it happen. Today, I went looking for an interesting video to post and somehow I wound up finding some fun C-5 Galaxy videos that I thought were well worth seeing. The first two are from youtuber delpillar and are both viewable in 1080p HD. They are fairly similar in their view but both are really cool to watch in HD full screen mode. And I never get tired of gearing that signature C-5 whine as the engines spool up!
The C-5 is a fascinating aircraft to see up close in the takeoff phase and these two videos give some very nice footage of that with an extremely smooth pan. I especially like watching the elevator deflect and then looking to see the nose rotate. I'm a freak for those kind of details. You'll also the the main gear trucks rotate 90 degrees as they retract in the first video above. You can see a little more about that amazing C-5 feature by scrolling down the page in this Oshkosh 2010 post.
This second video is very similar but just as enjoyable... especially if you go 1080p, full screen, and study the details.
This last video from youtuber Stevo71 is a view from right behind one of the aft gear trucks on a C-5 as it taxis and then takes off. The actual takeoff roll doesn't start til about 1:50 but you might still wanna watch all the taxi footage as you'll see that aft truck pivot significantly in the tighter turns. Very cool stuff to see! And then after airborne you'll see all the main legs rotate 90 degrees before tucking up inside the fuselage. Then the doors close and everything gets dark! It's another really cool view that you've probably never seen before.
Lastly, I posted a video a while back of a large RC model C-5 that includes the amazing rotating gear legs on it as well... no small feat for an RC model to be sure: Video: Amazing Electromechanics In This RC C-5 Galaxy (Must See) - I highly recommend you check that video out too to complete your little excursion into the finer details of the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy : )

Reader Comments (2)
Impressive videos. While watching the third one, I said to myself, "Wow, I never knew the C-5 aft main gear steered." Then I said, "It has to, dummy. With that many wheels on the ground, it would never turn otherwise. Duh!"
AirPigz Lurker - The inner or 'body gear' on the 747 also has a steering feature. Pretty amazing stuff for sure, and an impressive engineering challenge and accomplishment.