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Perfect Paper Airplane Poll: James May -vs- Me! (Top Gear vs AirPigz)

Making the internet rounds is this paper airplane from Top Gear's James May

Please vote now in the paper airplane poll at the bottom of the post!

 I'm happy to see that one of the Top Gearheads (the long hair James May) is getting both himself and paper airplanes some fresh exposure on the internets, but at the same time I admit I'm a little frustrated by it all. Is that paper airplane pictured above a big enough deal for all this attention? Sorry, but I think not. Seems a whole lot more like some sort of publicity stunt to me. Click on James May's ultimate paper plane to go to the post at to learn more about it and see the instruction video.

 If you want a paper airplane to really get excited about then we need to talk! I published a post four years ago with video assembly instructions and a pattern that can be printed on your printer at home to make not only the perfect paper airplane, but one that also has the coolest graphics I've ever seen on one. Plus, the design I present doesn't just have upturned wingtips, I've brought you awesome vertical fins that protrude right out of the nifty delta wing! And flight performance? Dude, my paper airplane with Pigged up graphics (and a staple and paper clip) will outperform May's cutesy design every single day of the week. Even more, you'll have to go searching for a piece of that funky A4 paper (8.267" x 11.692") he uses, but with mine, a good ole trusty piece of eightandahalfbyeleven is all you need.

(sadly, my fold-it video has barely over 8,000 views while some of the dumbest paper airplane videos have millions of views... I don't understand this world)

Click the pic to go to the original 12-23-08 post for the AirPigz perfect paper airplane!

 Truth is, I hope you build them both. I think paper airplanes are good for kids and adults alike (from non-pilots to jet drivers)... we need more paper airplanes in this world. But honestly, I think I've given the world a much better paper airplane! What do you think? Please vote in the poll below to speak out in the great perfect paper airplane debate : )

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Reader Comments (3)

Hi Martt, Mike here. Busy week at work, catching up.
I did some EAA-worthy mods on your paper airplane design to move the C.G. forward instead of using a paperclip or staple... and an satisfied with the results.

OK, so with the nose folded back, she doesn't have the Racy Pointy Nose... but then I prefer Radial engines (grin)
And when small kids throw the airplane, no worries about poking somebody !

Good New Year!

January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMike Meyer

Mike Meyer- I'm good with EAA worthy mods : )

Did you put that sweet AirPigz 'paint' on it? I can always use some free promo!

January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

Try & make a paper helicopter with the looks of a Hughes 500c, I did & when launched it would "auto" & glide quite well.So I launched it from a 20 story building & it flew after "hovering" in an up draft for 40 seconds, Saddly it flew across the harbor & out of seight, My Boss & co worker didn't believe what they saw. 6" rotor span, a piece of phone wire,paper & card stock. Made a few more later but the thought of that first one flying away will be remembered by us 3 phone guys.

January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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