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CoolPix: NASA X-15 And B-52... Pioneers To Space! (With Desktop Sizes)

(click pic for hi-res) Climbing toward space: X-15 from the B-52 cockpit (image: NASA)

 I've had a really awesome X-15 and B-52 cover pic on the AirPigz facebook page for the last month or so that's actually a crop-down from one of the two X-15 images in this post: To The Edge Of Space And Beyond! X-15 CoolPix 2Fer... and tonight I thought I'd offer up another really cool NASA image from back in the 60's that just seems to be dripping with a very high cool factor. The only version of this image that I found on the net is actually a little on the rough side with not the best resolution and lots of spots etc. So I cleaned it up some in photoshop and decided it looked good enough to be both a CoolPix image and a desktop image in four of the most common sizes (see below).

 The 'final frontier' has actually been a household topic lately since I got my wife season 1 of the original Start Trek series on DVD for Christmas. We got rid of cable a few months back to both save some money and get the crap that is modern TV out of the house, so having 29 episodes of Kirk and company is a really nice way to spend an hour or so each evening. I never really watched the original Star Trek when I was a kid (or as an adult) but I've found this to be pretty darn interesting. But in the end, Start Trek is just fantasy... when I look at a pic like the one above, I see reality. Real people putting their one-and-only life on the line, and doing things that were pushing the envelope far and fast past where we'd been before.

 It's people living maximum adventure in the true pioneering spirit. And this picture just really seems to embody those incredible early days of the journey into the final frontier. I hope you enjoy (and appreciate) this look back at America in the 1960's... the brave and strong aerospace America!

X-15 and B-52 desktop pix:


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Reader Comments (1)

the xplanes were very intrsting aircraft at the time

June 12, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjohn t barnes

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