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Video: Forget The Beatles, The Best Music EVER Comes From The Mosquitos!

 The Historical Aviation Film Unit has just uploaded a new video of the incredible Avspecs Mosquito making some of the best stereo Merlin music ever! Forget the Beatles, it's all about the Mosquitos now! Even tho I'm a hardcore old-school radial engine guy, I have to admit that there just is no sound made by man that's better than the Rolls Royce Merlin V-12 engine... and the concert with two of them bolted to the wooden airframe of the de havilland Mosquito is just pure perfection. Some day I'm gonna publish a top ten (and also a top 100) aircraft of all time, and the Mosquito is most likely gonna be on that top ten list!

 So do yourself a favor and stop reading my words and listen to this fantastic video!

 After you've enjoyed the awesome sights and sounds of the video, you might wanna check out these Mosquito links:

Mosquito posts on AirPigz

Avspecs LTD facebook page


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Reader Comments (4)

(imagine a British accent) "Smartly Done Sir!"
I was going to razz you just a little - normally you hear the hard working prop when an airplane flies by - especially on a T-6.
But I was pleased to hear the exhaust stacks barking away, once the plane passed.

I'll admit to being preferential to radial engines... and admit that they have several problems. I haven't had much time tinkering on a Merlin (it was already running well).
g'nite from Elgin

January 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMike Meyer

Sound is so often overlooked when it comes to aircraft, but it is one of my favorite things, and those all birds just put anything modern to shame. They put out the real "sound of freedom."

January 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Rolls Royce is one of the best maker in engine either plane or cars they are one of the best all their engines are work of arts by their dedicated and talented people.

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February 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMike Jackson

You might be aware - there was a band in the 80's called the Mosquitos. One hit, "That Was Then, This Is Now" - later covered by the Monkees. Very Beatlesque music. No songs about airplanes, I'm afraid.

March 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSome Pop Music Guy

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