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Video: 'Amazon Prime Air' Makes A Fabulous Publicity Stunt For Cyber Monday

 I could be wrong, but Amazon Prime Air looks like nothing more than a very effective publicity stunt to me. The video above has received over 2 million views in well under 24 hours... and it just happens to be Cyber Monday, hmm. If you were in the retail sales biz, offering a massive inventory via the great big interwebs, wouldn't you love to have half the country chatting you up right now? Of course you would.

 Jeff Bezos might be serious about using octocopters (small unmanned electric drones) to deliver five-pound-and-under items directly to people's homes, but I honestly don't wanna see it happen. Ever. I think it's a bad idea.

 In a perfect world they would be great, but this world is far from perfect. Aside from all of the possible mechanical and electrical failure possibilities (which lead to an autonomous 10 pound object falling completely uncontrolled from the sky) the real issue here all about people trying to shoot them out of the air just for fun. And far worse than the 10 pound uncontrolled object falling from the sky that they hit with their favorite rifle, consider the 10 bullets they shot that missed their target... but found your head while you were mowing the backyard half a mile away.

 I say bad, bad, idea... but great publicity stunt. Btw, I love Amazon Prime, let's just keep the Air out of it, ok?!

Video screenshot of the 'Amazon Prime Air' drone concept delivering a small package


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Reader Comments (2)

Surely you jest, Mr. Bezos.
No, I'm not and don't call me Shirley!

There's a lot of apparently straight-faced chatter all over the internet about this. My comment has been that the announcement came about four months too early. If it were a serious proposal, it would not even rise to the level of being wrong.

December 2, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterairpigz lurker

“I can just imagine the CAA/FAA/EASA loving this one. Small-ish radio-controlled UAVs/drones flying around up to 300ft and colliding with birds, helicopters, microlights, and then landing on granny in the garden”.

December 2, 2013 | Unregistered Commenternoemkr

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