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I'm A Fan Of Amelia Rose Earhart! (Watch Her TEDx Speech To Learn Why)

 I hope the people who found it necessary to beat up on Amelia Rose Earhart back in August, when it surfaced that she's not actually related to the Emelia Earhart aviator of the 1930's, know enough today to feel bad for the things they said... if they don't (maybe you're one of them?) then this video, recorded back in October at a Denver TEDx event, should do the trick. She's done an excellent job here explaining the past, the present, and the future.

USA TODAY story on Amelia and her name revelation

 I've been following the modern Amelia on facebook for a couple years now, and it's pretty easy to see that she's smart, kind, funny, respectful, adventurous and very capable. I also watched her press conference with the Pilatus people at Oshkosh this year, which was the first time I'd seen her in person, and it was clear then as well that she's a great person. I say that not because her name is Amelia Earhart, but because she's a great person!

 High-fives and Godspeed Amelia Rose Earhart.

The Amelia Project at

Amelia Earhart at Oshkosh 2013 announcing her round-the-world trip for 2014

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