Video: Slick And The Venerable Little Piper Clipper!

As 2013 near its end, this fresh video from 'Slick' perfectly captures the true essence of what AirPigz is all about... a classic and genuine love for the beauty of flying. And something as simple as a vintage 1949 Piper PA-16 Clipper will serve the purpose about as well as anything. The cute little 115hp taildragger that's actually a bit twitchy on takeoff and landing (it's short coupled) is a truly affordable way to turn a little avgas (or mogas) into a stack of smiles that'll take you all the way to tomorrow.
And when you add Slick's slick video skills, you wind up with a video that really delivers on the promise of cheap thrills.
I'm still hoping springtime will have me in a position to be able to purchase a cheap-thriller, and the venerable Clipper is on my short list (as is the swanky Culver Cadet : )
As always, thanx Slick!
Video screenshot: cheap thrills in a venerable ole Piper Clipper!
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